Get even more effective in QBank 3 by utilizing hotkeys for the most common operations:
- CMD/CTRL + A: Select all media in the current search result
- CMD/CTRL + (1-9): Holding cmd or ctrl and clicking any number between 1 to the amount of main tabs you have available (Library, Uploaded, Trash, etc!) will go to that tab.
- Space bar: View larger preview of selected media
- Delete/DEL: Move to trash (or delete permanently if done from Trash tab) selected media
- Arrow up/down/left/right: When viewing a search result in split view, you can use the arrow keys to navigate between assets in the search result to compare results in the detail view.
- B: Add selected media to the media box
- C: View access panel for selected media
- D: Download selected media
- E: Edit selected media
- F: Add selected media to folders
- G: Group selected media
- M: Add selected media to moodboards
- P: Publish selected media
- S: Place focus in the search field
- X: Export selected media
- Z: Synchronize selected media
Selecting media
When selecting media, you can use the same methods as you do in your operating system;
- Click on media either in thumbnail- or list view to select/deselect them.
- Drag with the mouse starting outside a thumbnail to "lasso" over the media you want to select.
- After you've selected by lassoing or clicking on media ...
- ... hold SHIFT while clicking on another media to select all media "between" (and including) the two selected ones.
- ... hold SHIFT while lassoing to add the new selection to the current one
- ... hold ALT/CMD while clicking on other media to include/exclude from the current selection
Drag and drop
All actions are available through buttons and toolbars, but some actions are also available through dragging and dropping media. After selecting media, hold and drag one of the selected assets, then release while hovering over a folder/moodboard/publish site. If you're viewing the folder tree and want to drop on a publish site, you can hover over the "Folder / Moodboard / Publish" tabs in the left column (while dragging media) to switch to that tab and drop on the appropriate container.
If you're viewing a detail of a media, you can drag the preview image like you would drag a search result to drop on a container in the left column or add to the media box.
Dragging and dropping is usually a lot faster that loading the folder/moodboard picker, finding the container you want, and clicking add!
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