With the QBank connector for Adobe Photoshop, you can easily access, open and save back images directly from within Photoshop.
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New Feature in QBank Connector for Adobe Photoshop 2022
Drag and Drop assets directly into Photoshop Document
Now you can quickly import the QBank assets into Photoshop by just drag and drop the asset in the document. The asset will be added as a new layer in the photoshop document.
Setup and installation
QBank will provide you with a plugin that has already been configured to connect to your instance of QBank DAM.
Windows Installation
The installer file is provided in the .ZXP format.
- Download the ExManCmd from https://www.adobe.com/go/ExManCmdWin.
- Extract the files to a location on your computer. For instance, the files are extracted to C:\users\qbank\Downloads\Exmancmd_Win.
- Download the ZXP file i.e QBank Adobe Panel.zxp from the provided link and copy it to the same location.
- Type cmd in Windows Search. Right-click Command Prompt and select Run as administrator (as shown in the following screenshot).
NOTE: Close all the adobe applications before you proceed with the installation.
In the command prompt, navigate to the folder containing your extracted files. In our example, the location is C:\users\qbank\Downloads\Exmancmd_Win. To navigate to this location, run the command cd C:\users\qbank\Downloads\Exmancmd_Win
NOTE: Commands are case-sensitive. While typing in the command, ensure that you use the correct case.
- To install the extension, run the command ExManCmd.exe /install <extension-filename.zxp>
- Run the command ExManCmd.exe /list all to verify that the extension has been installed.
MAC Installation
Run the QBank Panel for Adobe.pkg provided by QBank and follow the steps in the installation wizard.
When the installation is done, you will use the QBank-DAM under Window/Extensions. Click the QBank-DAM item to open the mediapicker.
The QBank-DAM panel can be arranged like any other panel within Adobe Photoshop.
Open an image from QBank
The plugin connects to QBank using a service account, normally named "ps". The rights and access of that account controls what assets you will see when you open the mediapicker. To open an image stored in QBank, just hover over the selected image and select "Use". The image will be downloaded and will appear within Adobe Photoshop, just as if you had opened it from a local drive.
Save back the image to QBank
There are two options of uploading an image back to QBank, either click "Upload as new media" or "Upload as new version". For new versions, you will be asked to input a version comment.
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