Integrating Sharepoint with QBank DAM can vastly improve the efficiency and workflow for web editors working on image intensive web sites.
There are a number of benefits, most notable are:
- Easy access to approved images for the selected channel
- No need to manually convert between high resolution and web ready images
- Overview and control of what is used, where, and how, from within QBank DAM
Connector Overview
The QBank DAM Integration Web part for SharePoint is created to make it possible to use QBank as a media source for a SharePoint Modern site-based solution. Within the editorial environment of SharePoint Modern Site, QBank DAM media is selected and published in the Sharepoint Site Site-Content List.
The package includes the QBank Dam integration Web Part which can be available in the toolbox once the app is installed on the site.
Media selected and deployed will be placed in the QBankModern Media Library on each modern Site content. This makes the solution very robust when it comes to production because every media item will be pre-made and reside on the site content.
There is also an option to Use CDN/external links instead of placing media in the SharePoint Library.
Getting Started
To install this package the following condition should be met.
- Admin privilege in SharePoint or privilege to install packages to the SharePoint site App catalog.
- An app catalog should be available for the particular site.
- Modern Site and access to Site Content of the site.
Access the app catalog of the SharePoint site and upload the “QBank-Dam-Connector.sppkg” application file to the app catalog.
This will open a dialogue box asking whether the application should be deployed organization-wide. Check this if you want the application to be made available to all the modern sites available.
Once done, the app should be displayed as shown above in the app catalog.
If not installed for all sites, then navigate to the site where the web part is intended to be used.
Setting up the QBank
The module will need some information like username, password, and a service URL to work. All settings are stored in a QBank Settings List in every site’s ‘Content Site’.
First time this web part is used it will ask for settings information. Fill in the fields with correct data and save.
Note: If you haven’t already got the QBank Settings for your connector, Please ask your account Manager to provide one.
In case, you would like to use the CDN/External Link options, you can click on the Show Settings for CDN and check the use CDN box. You can also choose the Default cropping template from a list of available templates configured for Sharepoint Publishing channel.
If there is a need to update Settings later the User can find the settings under QBank Settings List in Site Contents.
Once Settings correctly filed it will display button to insert QBank media .
Edit settings for the site
In SharePoint site access ‘Site Contents’, you will find ‘QBank Settings’ List Which holds settings for that particular Qbank modern site web part. Select the ‘Settings’ titled record.
Open it in edit mode in order to change QBank Settings.
Using the Connector
Import Assets
Double click on any image to view detailed information, or navigate to the asset you wish to use and hover over the "+"-icon. From there, select either view to see more details about the asset e.g ‘use media’ option, or click "Crop" if you want to use only a select part of the image.
Crop an Image
Depending on how your connector has been configured and integrated, you can either select from a preset list of image templates, or perform cropping by manually selecting the part of the image you want to use. Please note that QBank takes care of conversion between different color spaces for you, so even if the originally stored image is in CMYK, the result will always be web ready, RGB colorspace and in a format optimized for web publishing. Finish this operation by clicking "Use media (adjusted)".
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